Limagrain Ingredients is committed to limiting the environmental impact of its activities.
In June 2020, we have signed our new environmental policy based on four key environmental principles: energy, waste, water, and biodiversity.
In line with our environmental commitments, we now are ISO50001 certified on two of our most energy-intensive sites, in France.
The ISO50001 certification guarantees responsible and reasoned management of energy resources and a reduced carbon footprint. Only 700 French companies are ISO50001 certified!
With this certification, the company has several objectives:
- To optimise practices and processes to reduce and control energy consumption,
- Reduce greenhouse gas emissions to preserve the planet,
- Participate in limiting climate change to avoid global warming,
- Participate in the global commitment to be carbon neutral by 2050, as announced during the Accords de Paris on climate.
For example, in our Ennezat plant, we use a biomass (corn cob) boiler which produces 90% of the steam used on this site. That’s 100% renewable fuels and 0 greenhouse gas emissions!
This management system is also part of a collaborative approach. The company expects commitment from all Limagrain Ingredients employees in a continuous improvement approach. This involves paying particular attention to raising awareness of environmental, energy and climate issues.
Limagrain Ingredients is committed to allocate the human, financial, technical and organisational resources necessary to limit the environmental impact of its activities, and to ensure the measurement and continuous improvement of its environmental performances.